compress | array.compress(condition) | Compress elements based on condition. |
copy | array.copy() | Create a copy of the array. |
cumprod | array.cumprod() | Cumulative product of elements. |
cumsum | array.cumsum() | Cumulative sum of elements. |
diagonal | array.diagonal(offset=1) | Retrieve diagonal elements. |
fill | array.fill(value) | Fill array with a scalar value. |
flatten | array.flatten() | Flatten array into a 1D array. |
item | array.item(index) | Get item at specified index. |
itemset | array.itemset(index, value) | Set item at specified index to value. |
prod | | Product of all elements. |
put | array.put(indices, values) | Put values into specified indices. |
ravel | array.ravel() | Flatten array into a 1D array. |
reshape | array.reshape(shape) | Reshape array to specified shape. |
resize | array.resize(new_shape) | Resize array to new shape. |
squeeze | array.squeeze() | Remove single-dimensional entries from shape. |
sum | array.sum() | Sum of all elements. |
swapaxes | array.swapaxes(axis1, axis2) | Swap two axes of the array. |
take | array.take(indices) | Take elements from array at specified indices. |
tolist | array.tolist() | Convert array to a Python list. |
trace | array.trace(offset=0) | Compute the trace of the array. |
transpose | array.transpose() | Transpose array dimensions. |
base | array.base | Base object of the array. |
data | | Data pointer to the array's memory. |
flags | array.flags | Information about the memory layout of the array. |
flat | array.flat | 1D iterator over the array. |
itemsize | array.itemsize | Size of a single element in bytes. |
nbytes | array.nbytes | Total bytes consumed by the array's elements. |
ndim | array.ndim | Number of array dimensions. |
shape | array.shape | Shape of the array. |
size | array.size | Number of elements in the array. |
strides | array.strides | Strides of the array. |
T | array.T | Transposed view of the array. |